Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Admin Day

As it turns out, today is National Adminstrative Assistant Day. Or something thereabouts.

Free lunch, flowers, the works. All from our pretty awesome supervisor. This is made even more marvelous by the fact that I didn't know such a day existed. Surprise free lunch and flowers. A-nice.

Also, I won Premium Club Celtics tickets for this very evening. I don't follow the NBA, but I know enough to know that this is a very big deal. And I played basketball in high school, so I'll at least be able to tell when they are blocking out. Or shooting free throws.

And left the apartment wearing my walk-to-work flip flops, carrying my at-work high heels in a bag. Turns out those high heels are from two different pairs.

So I'm spending National Adminstrative Assistant Day wearing scuzzy white flip flops. I was going to run to Marshalls on lunch break (and enjoy the fabulous weather God is giving to adminstrative assistants everywhere) and puy some appropriate pumps, but this free lunch thing is taking that time slot.

I won't complain. Scuzzy white flip flops it is. Take that, Stacey and Clinton.

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