Friday, May 9, 2008


They cancelled my train this morning. However, true to fashion, the MBTA alert that the train would be cancelled was not in my inbox before leaving my apartment FOUR MINUTES before my train is scheduled to arrive.

I was running a little late this morning. I knew that in order for me to make it to my train, I had to foresake some normal grooming procedures. No makeup for me today. My hair looks horrific. But I knew that there weren't any big meetings today, I could somewhat fix my hair at work, and I'd be just dandy without makeup. So I rushed out the door.

After I was informed via those scrolling red letters that the 7:54 train was cancelled, I called work to let them know of my late arrival, and waited. And waited. And eventually, crammed into the next train (half hour or so later), which was now filled with two trains worth of people. Real cozy.

I am miffed. I can understand if a train needs to be cancelled for whatever reason. What I don't understand is why they bother with those T-Alerts at all when they are never on time. At least with an alert, I would have known to spend more time in my apartment so that when I arrived at work late, I'd look decent enough to make up for it.

Instead, I arrived late, makeup-less, and crazy-haired.

I need weekend, and I need it now.

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