Friday, January 9, 2009

An open letter to the skies

Dear Atmosphere and all other weather related Spheres in the Sky,



I realize this is a pre-emptive complaint. And, really, it's January in New England, so I shouldn't get my panties in a twist over impending precipitation; however, I am thoroughly annoyed that it should snow on yet another Sunday. I have rehearsals on Sundays. And as unrewarding as this show is proving to be, I'm a good actor. Not necessarily talent-wise (who am I to give myself that sort of label?), but responsibility-wise. I feel tremendous amounts of guilt skipping a rehearsal because my faithful Civic can't make the trek. I don't want to be seen as pulling a Piven.*

If the powers that be would actually cancel a rehearsal because of the weather, I would be tickled, nay, THRILLED--I'd dutifully work on my lines/blocking/harmonies in my apartment. Yet with all of the inefficient leadership supporting this show (glossing over scenes and songs that seriously need to be retooled, spending the first half hour of every rehearsal just gossiping, a complete lack of communication, etc.), it would be too much of a waste of time to cancel a rehearsal, even if many cast members have to drive upwards of thirty minutes on a good day to get there. Seriously--if we just got down to business at all subsequent rehearsals immediately, and then actually spent the entire alloted rehearsal time actually rehearsing, we would more than make up for it.

What was I complaining about again?

Oh yeah, the weather. That's all. I hate snow (and if you added a "this" after "hate" and changed the "n" to an "h," that might be just as true).


*Pulling a Piven: Creating a barely legitimate excuse to get out of a commitment, ie feigning a sushi overdose, pissing off David Mamet, and being replaced by William H. Macy.

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