Sunday, January 18, 2009


What a routine it's become. Sunday=inconvenient winter precipitation.

If I ever get to a point in my life when I'm able to be a dual-state resident, I am absolutely going to winter somewhere farther South. Preferably somewhere in the South where there are trees and mountains. Since that is what I miss the most about not living in Maine anymore.

I tend to doubt that will ever be a financial possibility for me, given my particular passions and career goals (read: I have no legitimate career goals, I have impossibly high career dreams), but the thought that someday I could, you know, be a trophy wife or lottery winner or acquire a mysterious financial benefactor, kind of gets me through days like this.

That, and the thought that my upper back might just be thoroughly toned without a gym with all of the shoveling I'm doing this winter. That's an upper.

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